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astral and talked long to him in the night. As the Guv tells in
his books, there is no death,  death is just the process of
being reborn into another state of existence. It is all very com-
plicated for a cat to explain. But it is so simple, so natural.
How is one to explain the process of taking successive breaths,
or walking? How is one to explain the process of seeing? It is
as difficult to explain all that as it is to explain just how there
is no death. It is as easy to explain what life is as to explain
what death is not. The Guv  and cats  can always see into
the astral world and speak to the people of the astral.
The time had come to think of another place in which to
live. Windsor offered nothing. There was no possibility of
employment, and the  Windsor scene was dull and un-
interesting. Few trees graced the area which was mainly in-
dustrial on a very small scale. The atmosphere was humid
because of the great deposits of salt underlying the whole city.
As Miss Ku so aptly remarked,  Golly! What a cheesed-off
dump Windsor is! We looked at maps, and read books and
at last we decided to move to a place on the Niagara Penin-
sula. Ma put an advertisement in newspapers in the hope of
obtaining a suitable house. Replies came in, and most people
with houses to rent seemed to think THEIR house was built
of gold bricks, judging by the rents they asked.
We told our very nice Windsor Landlady's Cousin that we
were leaving, and she was flatteringly sad. Now came the
time of Great Cleaning. Buttercup's hobby is playing with a
roaring vacuum cleaner, and this was a glorious excuse for
her to get the thing screaming all day long. The Guv was
confined to bed he had suffered from three attacks of
coronary thrombosis in the past, and .had suffered from
T.B. and other complaints. Writing  The Rampa Story
had taken much from him. Mrs. Durr came along and said
to Ma,  I will drive you and the cats any time you wish.
Perhaps Sheelagh can drive Dr. Rampa. We could always
rely on Mrs. Durr for things like that; I knew that she would
have the full support of Chuli.
We were going to take a furnished place and so wanted to
sell our furniture which was almost new. No one wanted to
buy it for cash; Canadians prefer to go to money lenders,
whom they term  Finance Companies as that, they think,
makes the affair rather more reputable. Having secured
money from these money lenders, the Canadian usually buys
gaudy things and pays so much a week. Miss Ku once told
me that she had seen an advertisement  any car for ten
dollars deposit At last, the Guv and Ma heard of a very
nice young man who was getting married, so they decided to
give most of the furniture as a wedding present. Ma had
previously made enquiries, and found that the cost of trans-
ferring the furniture would have been quite prohibitive. We
were going to take a few specially cherished things and had
made arrangements with a transport firm. Miss Ku and I
were very glad that our Saw Horse was going. We had an old
Saw Horse which we used as a Nail File and Jumping Plat-
form. We also had an arrangement with the Guv whereby
we would not scratch the furniture so long as we had our
Nail File. Visitors sometimes stare when they see the Saw
Horse among the furniture, but the Guv says  Never mind
what people think, my cats come first!
Down in the garden, Miss Ku called out loudly,  Hey!
Across the Road Cat, come here! Soon the cat came out of
his back door, looked both ways for traffic, and then slipped
across the road. He stood with his nose pressing against the
wire fence waiting for Miss Ku to speak.  We are going away,
Cat, she said,  Going away where the water flows fast. We
are going to have a house with trees. You don't have trees,
Cat!  It must be wonderful to move around as you do,
Lady Ku'ei! remarked the Across the Road Cat.  I am
going in now, but I will send you a telepathogram when we
get to our new house.
The next morning the Moving Men came for the furniture
which we were going to take. Things were carried down the
stairs and loaded into a van which Miss Ku said was as big as
a house. Soon the big doors closed with a slam, a powerful
motor was started, and our belongings commenced their
Now we had to sit on the floor like a lot of broody hens. I
couldn't bump into anything now  there was nothing that
could get in the way!  Hey! Feef, we have not said goodbye
to the attie, said Miss Ku. I jumped to my feet and rushed
to join her at the upper stairs. Together we dashed up and
climbed on the beams which kept the roof of the house on.
Those beams were of walnut, from trees which used to be
growing on the site when the Indians lived in the area. They
were just BEAUTIFUL for sharpening claws; Miss Ku and I
set to with a will to hone our claw edges to perfection, then
we dashed through a small hole near the rising chimney [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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