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it. Neck harnesses don't do it and Nautilus neck machines should be avoided at all costs as they bind, cramp and
put kinks in the muscles of the neck.
Do you know why the other exercises don't work as well as bridging? It's because all the other exercises
isolate the neck muscles. Proper bridging does NOT isolate the neck muscles. It works the muscles along your
entire spine as well as the buttocks, hips and thighs. In short, bridging is a movement that involves most of your
body; just like an Olympic lift like the clean-and-jerk or snatch.
 Sphinx Bridge  get into a push up type position, but balanced on your elbows. Keep your back and abs straight.
Hold for as long as you can stay stable until your muscles shake, then hold some more.
Elbow Bridge
Same as Sphinx, but balance on elbow points.
Static Arm Push up Bridge  Stand in a push up position. Stay at the top of the position. Keep your back and abs
straight. Hold for as long as you can stay stable until your muscles shake, then hold some more. Try not to let your
neck or traps get tight; consciously relax them.
Stick Bridge  This is reallllly tough. Get into an extended pushup-type position. Take two thick wooden dowels or
pieces of broomstick. Grip one in each hand. Balance on the cross sectional end of the dowel and hold for a while.
As you get better, flex the arms more and more, or practice sliding in and out. Another way to make it harder is to
hold the stick higher up so it is harder to balance.
Preacher  Pushup position with fingertips touching, edge of hand only on floor. Keep back and legs straight.
Neck nods - Old boxer's trick to help build neck strength and endurance. Lie flat on your back with legs straight,
and hands at your side. Now "nod" your head until your chin touches your upper chest. Return your head to the
mat, and repeat continuously. Try to do 50 of these and see how you feel. For a harder challenge, nod for 50 reps,
and then hold your head in the "up position" and begin turning your head from left to right at a slow but steady
rate. Do these for 50. When you can nod for 100 you're getting some strength.
Yes/No exercise
Yes: Lie on back. Lift head just slightly off the floor. Raise chin to chest , then straighten neck to return to initial
position. Repeat rapidly for a minute.
No: Same starting position, but keep head low and off floor as turn chin rapidly to touch opposite shoulders.
 The Deck of Cards - There's a million different names and versions of this "game". If you do it right it's anything
BUT a game. Here's how I play...step up to the table. Get yourself a deck of shuffled cards. Very simple...black
equals pushups...red equals squats. Face cards are worth 10, the Ace is 1, and all other cards are face value. Turn
over a card....it's the 9 of spades....do 9 pushups. Immediately turn over the next card....it's the Queen of
diamonds...do 10 squats. Keep going until you finish the deck. Do whatever exercises you feel like...but just pick
an "upper" and "lower" body movement. I like pushups and Hindu squats when I play. By my math, you end up
doing 170 pushups, and 170 squats...340 movements in all. The goal is to finish the deck in 12 to 15 minutes. I
know some sadists who keep the jokers in the deck, and assign a value of 50 to them!!! Nowadays, when I play I
keep the jokers out but give the face cards a value of fifteen. This ups the ante to 200 pushups and squats...400
total movements. Again, sounds dumb, but I absolutely love doing this. It's a new workout everytime...unless you
don't shuffle the deck...duh! That's just a few that I've used over the years, and I continue to use them to this day.
As I always say...give them a try, and see what you can take from them. If this was of benefit, please let me know,
and I'll post some additional information if you like. There's plenty of other movements besides these plus there's
little variations you can do to alleviate boredom and add variety (counting games like "twenty-up", pyramiding,
Forearms are very important for strength. Without a good strong grip, the rest of the arm is relatively useless. The
following exercises work the grip and forearms and should be done at the end of the workout.
Air grabs
Stand, arms forward, elbows locked, palms forward. Grip to fists, then open up to flat palms, at a very rapid pace.
Don't cheat! Works the grip and clawing ability for martial arts.
"Waves": palms horizontal and facing floor, raise to vertical facing wall, lower to horizontal. Repeat lots. Especially
good to do after air grabs.
Sideways wave: same position as above, but bend wrists to the inside and outside, never rotating wrists or
Vertical waves: arms locked and parallel. Palms flat, facing each other.
Wrist roll: start same position as waves. Bend wrists and fingers up/in/down/out and continue, fingers describing
the largest possible circle on the centerline plane without moving arms. Good for developing huen sao.
"trigger" air grabs: start in same body position, but point with index fingers directly forward out of fists. Clench
index fingers into tight fists, straighten them. Isolates muscles in the top of the forearm.
Grip exercisers. One set defined as 50 each hand.
Grip holds
Grip exercisers. Hold closed for 1 minute while bending wrist through full range of motion.
Grip exerciser that isolates the forearm muscles. Also called the palmup machine. Definition of one set is (each
hand) 40 curling the palm inwards to a fook sao position, 20 backwards (ending in a palmheel position).
WC Long Pole Exercises
Pole exercises are done with snappy motions. Should be smooth and not tense. Energy should be felt (and maybe
even seen) in the tip of the pole.
Outward pole shocking
Take a long pole, tuck under armpit. Grasp pole where hand falls. Curl hand up (use thumb), and place off hand on
end of pole, palm down. Curl the wrists in. Then punch and retract quickly, keeping the pole level and straight. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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