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vides a gateway between the various bus systems and the diagnostic interface. All D-bus
communication is funneled through the ZGM which acts as a  traffic cop between these
various systems. On some vehicles such as the E85, E60, E63 and E64. There is no
separate ZGM, however the ZGM functions have been incorporated into the SIM/SGM.
(German: Zentral Gateway Modul)
Central Body Electronics - The ZKE system is responsible for controlling various body
electronic functions. Systems such as power windows, power locks, wipers, and sunroof
are some of the items controlled. ZKE systems usually consists of a central module
referred to as the GM (General Module). The GM acts as the main system controlled and
bus master. There are numerous variations of ZKE. The systems and sub-systems
which are part of ZKE will vary between models. (German: Zentrale Karosserieelektronik)
Idle Control Valve (two winding) - This is a type of idle control valve which uses two
opposing windings. The windings are supplied with a common power source and each
winding has it s own ground circuit controlled by the ECM. One winding is for closing the
idle valve while the other is used for the opening of the idle valve. These two opposing
windings are ground controlled using a PWM signal. In order to control the idle, the ECM
will apply a greater PWM duty cycle to one of the windings. For example, to increase the
idle speed, the ECM would apply an increased duty cycle to the opening winding.
(German: Zweiwicklungs-(Leerlauf-)Drehsteller) (Translation - Two winding idle rotary
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