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"What a hassle!" grunted Carol, lugging a box of swords down G Street. "What
do you think of your precious Grand Knights now?"
"What are you  crazy? This isway better!" exclaimed Beverly. "Instead of a
beat-up old gym, we'll be in a real auditorium!"
Dress rehearsal was the time for weeks of effort to come together. The set
painters got their first look at their work onstage. The actors tried on their
costumes. Painted plywood scenery whizzed by in all directions. Props were
handed from actors to stagehands to actors again. Scripts fluttered. Voices
recited lines. Commando got coffee for the director.
Soon all was in readiness and the dress rehearsal could begin. The first
scene of1776 took place at the home of George Washington, then a successful
Virginia planter. Some local country squires come by to tell of the passage of
the Stamp Act. The effect of the eighteenth-century costumes and elaborately
painted sets was impressive, and Beverly Busby was the perfect Martha
Washington, bustling around in her apron, cap, and calico gown.
She called to her husband, "Oh George, you have visitors."
And then Douglas Fairchild entered from stage left, dressed head to toe in a
white bunny suit, complete with long pink ears and powder-puff tail.
"Ahhhh!"shrieked Martha Washington.
The Broom Closet______________________________125
Mr. Torrance sprayed coffee all over Commando."Fairchild, you lunatic!" he
choked. "What do you think you're doing?"
Douglas laughed. "Oh, this. Don't worry, sir. I won't be wearing it tomorrow
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night, of course."
"Why are you wearing itnow?"
"Well, you see," Douglas explained, "George Washington is such an important
historical character that my fellow actors are intimidated by me, which makes
the general seem aloof and snobbish. But tomorrow night, they'll be able to
picture me the way I am today. And it's impossible to be intimidated by a
bunny, even if he's the father of your country. So he'll appear more human."
Beverly picked up a long-handled warming pan and swung it at Douglas, who
hopped out of the way just in time.
"Rivera!" barked the director. "Disarm Beverly. And be careful with that
thing! It's an antique!" He turned on Douglas. "If you're not in your costume
in two seconds, the cast party tomorrow will be serving rabbit stew!"
Douglas' ears sagged dejectedly. "Well, could I show you some card tricks?
I've got a couple that are really dignified  "
"Get off my stage!"
The British Are Coming
Iou know, Admiral Strickland's gala is called for nine," commented Ambassador
Anton Fairchild as his limo whispered down G Street.
"We'll be late, that's all," replied his wife. "Douglas would be heartbroken
if we missed his play."
"He begged us not to come," Ambassador Fair-child pointed out. "He said  and
I quote  'It would be more interesting to watch prunes stew.' "
She smiled. "Oh  you know Douglas."
"No, I don't," he said seriously. "Inever did. How about all that gibberish
about being denied the creative freedom to three-dimensionalize his character.
I went to college  what is he talking about?"
"Everyone else is putting on a cute little school play, and Douglas wants it
to be perfect. He won't even talk about the play, or tell me what part he has.
He's keeping it all a surprise."
The British Are Coming__________________________127
"He's probably playing a tree," quipped the ambassador, "and driving
everybody crazy with his method acting." He sighed. "That boy's my own son,
and he may as well be from Mars for all that I understand him."
His wife chuckled. "Well, heis from Pefkakia." The famous couple laughed all
the way to Washington High.
The auditorium was resplendent with red, white, and blue. The stage was
framed with streamers and bunting, and revolutionary flags hung from the
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walls. The stagehands were passing out programs, and seating the many
students, parents, and brothers and sisters in attendance.
Commando was escorting Beverly Busby's parents to VIP seats when he spied his
father being led in by Gerald Dooley. He ran over.
"Hey, Dad, what are you doing here?"
"The school sent notices to all the parents," said Mr. Rivera. "Why didn't
you tell me you were in the play?"
Commando made a mental note to check the mail more carefully. "Because I'm
not. I do this and get coffee for the director. That's my job."
Mr. Rivera shrugged. "You're part of it." He watched as Gerald silently slunk
away from them. "Weird kid. Doesn't say too much."
"He's only ten. He got bumped up a year. I hear his I.Q. is 160." Commando
grinned. "Hey, I thought you had a class tonight."
"I got some guy to take notes for me," Mr. Rivera replied. "I figure if you
can handle basketball practice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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