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He leaped up from his reading. Could she be in trouble? As he
listened, he heard a second scream and suddenly recognized the sound
for what it was. Mrs. Staunton was in the throes of a violent orgasm.
Maurice scratched his head. "God," he said softly, almost under his
breath. He hadn't expected the kid (as he thought of Stephenson)
would work so fast.
Maurice lay back down on his comfortable bed and continued to
read his magazine. He imagined the cars were his own. He thought
that if he could really own cars like these, then the most beautiful
women in the world would throw themselves at his feet. He took his
cock out of his pants as he dreamed. Yes, he could drive into towns
all along the coast in these cars, and women would run to him,
impressed, wanting him.
He would choose the most beautiful woman, the one with the
fullest, most luscious breasts and longest legs. He would take her into
his car and fuck her in the front seat. She would straddle him, naked,
her back pressing into the steering wheel while he manipulated her up
and down over his cock, squeezing her breasts and her hips. He
slicked his hand with his saliva and began to rub his cock more
furiously while thinking of beautiful, nameless women.
Anonymous Ectasy on Fire Page 44
He came, and in his mind, he was coming inside of the beautiful,
hazy faced woman's full, heavy-scented cunt. In his dream, he drove
deeply into her and exploded, though in reality his cock was pulsing
against his own fingers and palm.
George, who was lying in bed with Madam Andre in her separate
apartment in the chateau, also heard the wild scream coming from
Mrs. Staunton's sitting room. He tapped the naked woman on her
"Ah, Cherie," he said, "the boy is making Madam happy, yes?"
"So it would appear, George," said Madam Andre, turning slightly
so that the huge dildo, which was strapped around her waist,
maintained its position. This huge instrument was buried completely
inside George's bowels.
Madam Andre had been ass-fucking George since Maurice had
driven Melissa and Steve to and from the opera in Monte Carlo.
As they lay there, they wondered what might be happening between
their mistress and the new houseguest.
"You want me to pull it out, George?"
He shook his head. "No."
"But I've been fucking you over an hour. Aren't you ready to
"No. Not yet. Keep going."
"But you've lost your erection," she said with a sad tone in her
voice. Her fingers groped around in front of her, fingering his once-
happy cock, which had now gone soft.
"Look," she said, rather harshly, "I've got things to do. Why don't
you gather your strength and I'll come back in a little while? And
make sure you're properly dressed next time. You know how I hate to
see you in your shabby, everyday clothes." She laughed at this, and
began to dress. All of George's protestations and pleading could not
dissuade Madam Andre from leaving.
When she came back some three hours later, he greeted her at the
door. She was pleased to see that he was properly dressed this time.
He was wearing a woman's black corset with bone stays. On his head
was a wig of long blond hair that reached his waist. He also wore
shiny, black leather boots.
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"That's much better," she said, entering the room with a supreme air
about her, as if she were the mistress of the house and not merely the
cook and staff supervisor.
She walked over to the sofa, undressed, and sat down. Next to the
sofa was a whip. She picked it up, holding it by the hard wooden
handle and running her flat palm down its length. All the while, she
looked at George, who still stood by the door.
"Why don't you show off your lovely corset to me in the manner
most suited to your dress," she said, taking the whip and rolling it
between her palms. George began to walk around the room.
"Not like that!" she said, "You know the best way to show it off."
At that, George got down on his hands and knees and began to crawl
around the room.
"That's much, much better," she said, her eyes narrowing and
growing dark. George crawled on all fours, first towards her with his
head lowered, and then away from her, so that she could see his
buttocks working up and down while one knee moved in front of the
other. The slightly small corset fell to just about his waist. It revealed
the entirety of his buttocks and a good portion of his white-fleshed
back. His blond wig was slightly askew, falling to one side.
"Faster, crawl faster!" she demanded and George began to crawl
faster, almost frantically, as if he were trying to escape his pursuer.
George crawled around and around the room tirelessly while Madam
Andre casually fondled her breasts and her clitoris. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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