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Tobrush's direction had done a superb job; there were no aftereffects, no
pain, nothing. That, of course, was one of the reasons it felt even more
bizarre. The
Mycohliah knew nothing of human anatomy and trusted the computer; he'd taken
everything, rerouting the urinary outlet to just beyond the anus. Jimmy had to
wonder what kind of injury program that had been supposed to treat. There was
nothing there, not even a scar.
He still had mixed feelings inside. On the one hand he felt real sorrow, along
with ego problems about whether or not he was still in any way a man. It was
going to be damned hard to adjust to, mentally. Yet, on the other hand, he
felt a tremendous sense of relief as well, as if some intolerable burden, some
burning insanity, within him had also been excised. He hated it, he inwardly
grieved about it, but he also believed that it was the best decision he'd
Later, perhaps, if they survived all this, if the Engineer was defeated and
Quintara put down, he might well have horrible second thoughts about it, but
not now. They could grow anything, of course, if they had a skin sample and
your genetic code, but he put that from his mind completely. He had burned his
bridge and he would stick to it no matter what.
The Quintara then had nothing left to tempt him with. Life? They could have
that, if he could take them with him. Not romance and sex, certainly, and
while they might offer to restore, he was resolved on mat. Immortality? He was
not absolutely sure, but he believed that anyone who could hear the thoughts
of a subatomic particle in a universe wouldn't let him down.
Modra came out of the toilet and sank back into her chair.
"Sick again?" he asked her.
"Nauseous. Same as yesterday. I put on a space-sickness patch but it didn't
seem to help. Well, if it's like yesterday, it'll go away in a while.
"No breaks, but more of it is definitely being transferred inward. The Mycohl
is obvious fertile ground for them, and they don't give a fig about the
They want to wipe out the masters. If what we heard about the Mizlaplan has
any truth to it, I expect that the Exchange is also pretty messy. Hell, they
could take over whole planets in the Exchange and nobody'd notice. I think,
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Marathon%203%20-%20Ninety%20Trillion%20.txt they just want to stir things up
to a war. The Exchange and the Mizzies takin'
on their old mutual ugliness the Mycohl while they eat at the center of the
Mycohl Empire and ensure that they can't mount a credible defense. They fear
Mycohl the most because they can both travel and hide. I bet that somewhere,
right now, in some lab, probably in the Exchange but maybe also over with the
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Mizzies, some scientists have suddenly been struck with brilliance and have
developed absolute tests for detecting a Mycohl-inhabited body."
She looked at him. "You really think so?"
"That's what I'd do. You think His Nobs couldn't come up with one? Put that
together with the fact that the race that bred or created or whatever the
Mycohl has got to know the location of that mother world, the breeding and the
library world, and you have a pretty good recipe for eventual genocide. In any
event, there'll be no getting all three together once the donnybrook begins."
She sat back in the chair and it felt better.
for least likely interception, and cross over sublight. If you are detected,
surrender. You are not without considerable power. >
That was a point.
your templates, a sort of wanted poster. Even if you manage to go through and
expel it, it might well betray your position and, through the link, ours as
well. The concentration here in the Qaamil is unbelievable. We dared not bring
the ship within even five light-years of the nearest body, and more arrives to
expand it almost every time we look. Josef has been in and out of a number of
areas and it looks ugly indeed down there. >
wide-open pentagrams there are in a cluster of thirteen solar systems? You
don't even need a destination; the Quintara want quick ins and outs. Not very
good for mobility, but excellent for quick glimpses of a thousand places.
Access his mind if you like to see what we mean.>
Quick glimpses was right, but the scenes that flashed by, in many cases no
more than snapshots, were still startling.
The remnants of human sacrifices and other bizarre and stomach-turning
rituals, great idols, burning braziers of incense and fiery substances, faces
that looked like the living dead, visions of depravity and worse.
with some kind of magic spell?>
apparently lulled by their high-tech combat suits and relay teams and got
themselves lured into a gigantic pentagram many kilometers wide. Once in, it
was closed, and sufficient interdimensional energy was availbable and bled to
"magic," as it were.>
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consolidating and organizing. Every time they do something on that grand a
scale they lose some of the mass permanently. With hundreds of light-years at
best, three empires, four hundred races, ninety trillion people, I don't think
they can manage it, not to mention the problems of a pentagram that large. But
they can well afford a few grandiose object lessons like this, and a
considerable number of individual demonstrations as needed. Note that,
although it would have been a simple thing to wipe out the orbital command
ship and short out its systems as those first ones did back on the original
frontier world with the science ship, they chose to allow the command ship to
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withdraw with all recordings intact.
That recording will do more to influence highly placed people and military
types that they are dealing with godlike power here than a hundred such actual
attacks. Already many hives, including an impressive number well away from any
current action or immediate threat, have been discovered trying to deal with
Quintara and the Quintara are more than willing to deal.>
Jimmy noted.
technology or anything else and cover ninety trillion. But if they think you
got the power to turn men and women of many races into a uniform set of ugly
little drol slaves, then you've got the power to grant them good things as
well. As you said, they've got very grave limitations no matter what they can
do, and once they're operating in this universe they've got to contend with
laws of physics, energy, mass, ratios and relationships, and our mathematics. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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